Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Super keen for rocking the daisies!! This will be my first year going, so I plan on making as many memories as freaking possible!!

And I thought, in order to celebrate, here are a few jams that I seriously dig. Not that I'll see them performed at Daisies, but here's hoping that our festival can get as big as Coachella one day...

*grizfolk - the striggle*
This music video is pretty cool, but the song is my favourite mixture of folk and pop :)

*magic! - rude*
This song is freaking adrobs, contentwise. But that whole reggae/pop vibe? Yes.

*the preatures - is this how you feel*
This is easily one of my favourite songs at the moment. Pretty much everything about it. It makes me dance in my seat. So, ja, I dig it.

*iggy azalea - impossible is nothing*
The girl is fly. She's confident and will stop at nothing to reach her goals. This song is inspiration to me.

Anyhoo, see y'all at Daisies!! Whoop!!

xx T