Monday, August 13, 2012

"I do not think... I contemplate"

Really? (I know it's been a while, so I'm going to try and just dive right back in.) The title of this post was a 'statement' from one of my housemates brother. It stuck with me the whole day...


At university, in every form and field that I am involved in, I have been pushed to think critically. Toward every aspect of human life, I need to stop and think critically. Do I really want toast? Some child in the middle of nowhere needs me to not use the electricity. Okay. I'll just have bread... But.

But what??

Let me eat my toast! In my opinion, society pushes contemplation as the way forward. But why?  What about good old thinking?

Auguste Rodin's sculpture, The Thinker, is one of the most well known piece of art today. Maybe, it's because in this day and age, it is rare to see somebody think...

I know some of you must be wondering... "Tanica, thinking and contemplating are the same thing...

No. I think not. 

What is wrong with giving a straight answer these days? Always, we are beating around the bush, trying to be critical. If you do not have an immediate response, chances are you don't know enough on whatever topic it is, be it pop music or politics...

Please, please people...Let's put out thinking caps on and get off our behinds and do something about what goes on in our heads. No point just sitting around waiting for somebody to contradict you so that you can share your points of view... Chances are... Nobody cares...

Sorry, this may have been slightly bitchy.

xx T

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