Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Late already!

Hahaha! I said I would post a photo a day and ALREADY I'm late! What a noob, sorry...

Here's my photo for Monday:
So, yesterday I started, with one of my housemates, this pragramme called Adventure Bootcamp. Basically, I get up at 05h30 to be ready to workout bootcamp style at 06h00. It seems ridiculous, but it's SO WORTHWHILE! I'm going to get fit and look completely awesome for my trip to the States in june!
My goals include: to get fit enough to go for a run without dying (a marathon is not withing my initial set of goals). to lose weight. to lose cm's!
I should post a before pic and then eventually an after, but that intimidates me, so I'll ather tell you how much I've lost eventually.

xoxo T

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